London Proud Market - Call For Vendors

London Proud Market
Call For Vendors!

The Grand Theatre is currently seeking local 2SLGBTQIA+ makers and small business owners for our inaugural London Proud Market! Taking place at the Grand Theatre on Sunday, July 23rd, this exciting, new event will welcome vendors to the Theatre to highlight local Queer talent and goods.

Keeping inclusivity at the forefront, vendor table fees are only $20 – with all proceeds donated to a local 2SLGBTQIA+ non-profit organization (soon to be confirmed).

To learn more or to submit your vendor application, please visit:*

* You may be asked to log-in to a Google account to proceed with the form. If you are having trouble accessing the form, please email Natalie Kearns at nkearns [at] (nkearns[at]grandtheatre[dot]com)